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Compact Grammar Courses

5 Kurse
Fachbereich Fremdsprachen

Englisch B1/B2 Compact Grammar Course 1: Tenses Online-Intensivkurs zur Auffrischung und Vertiefung
Sa. 01.02.2025 11:00
Online-Intensivkurs zur Auffrischung und Vertiefung

Still struggling with English tenses? English tenses are one of the most important aspects of grammar, but they can also be one of the most confusing. This course will give you a solid understanding of English tenses and how to use them correctly. We will look at the following tenses: present simple/continuous, past simple/continuous, present perfect simple/continuous, past perfect, future tenses: future simple/ continuous, be going to, present continuous, present simple, future perfect simple/continuous.

Kursnummer D406811
Kursdetails ansehen
Gebühr: 80,00
Dozent*in: Donald Hart
Englisch B1/B2 Use the Right Preposition Online-Grammar-Kurs
Mo. 10.03.2025 18:30

Learn how to use the right prepositions in English sentences Do you ever get confused about which preposition to use? Prepositions can be a problem for many learners of a foreign language because they often have different meanings depending on the context in which they are used. In this course, you will be given systematic practice in the correct use of prepositions and prepositional phrases. We will also look at some common preposition errors.

Kursnummer D406815
Kursdetails ansehen
Gebühr: 60,00
Dozent*in: Donald Hart
Englisch B1/B2 Mastering Linking Words Online-Grammar-Kurs
Mo. 28.04.2025 18:30

Do you struggle to make your ideas flow smoothly? If so, this course is designed to help you improve your understanding and use of linking words. We will cover a wide range of categories, including sequencing ideas (first, then, finally) ,contrasting viewpoints (however, although), and adding emphasis(indeed, undoubtedly).Whether you are writing an essay, giving a presentation, or engaging in everyday conversation, mastering these linguistic bridges will enhance your communication skills. 

Kursnummer D406817
Kursdetails ansehen
Gebühr: 40,00
Dozent*in: Donald Hart
Englisch B1/B2 Expand your vocabulary through word formation Onlinekurs
Mo. 16.06.2025 18:30

Word formation plays a significant role in expanding vocabulary. The main objectives of the word formation process are to form new words with the same root by deploying different rules or processes. For example, by learning the affixes (prefixes and suffixes) that can be added to a root word, you can create many new words that are related in meaning. This can help you understand the meaning of new words that you encounter in your reading and listening acitvities.

Kursnummer D406818
Kursdetails ansehen
Gebühr: 60,00
Dozent*in: Donald Hart
Englisch B1/B2 – Fit for Grammar kompakt Online-Intensivkurs zur Auffrischung und Vertiefung
Mo. 11.08.2025 10:00
Online-Intensivkurs zur Auffrischung und Vertiefung

In kompakter Form richtet sich der Kurs an alle Englischlernenden auf fortgeschrittenem Niveau, die kurz, knapp und intensiv, aber nachhaltig ihre Grammatikkenntnisse auffrischen und üben wollen, wie Adverbs, Tenses, Modals, Verb Forms, Connectives, Prepositions, Reported Speech, Passive oder Conditional Sentences. Darüber hinaus erhalten Sie hilfreiche Arbeitsblätter oder passende Links, um Ihr Wissen zu trainieren und zu festigen.

Kursnummer D406819
Kursdetails ansehen
Gebühr: 64,00
Dozent*in: Donald Hart
17.02.25 23:57:10