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von Rège, Erika

Englisch B2 Conversation and Literature
Di. 04.02.2025 09:15
Bad Homburg

We will read and discuss newspaper articles together and start reading and discussing the memoir "My family and other animals" by Gerald Durell. Gerald Durell was s famous English zoologist and spent part of his childhood on Corfu which he recounts in this funny and charming book.

Kursnummer D406828
Kursdetails ansehen
Gebühr: 195,00
Dozent*in: Erika von Rège
Englisch B2 English Literature Gerald Durell "My family and other animals"
Fr. 07.02.2025 09:15
Bad Homburg
Gerald Durell "My family and other animals"

We will start reading and discussing the memoir "My family and other animals" by Gerald Durell. Gerald Durell was s famous English zoologist and spent part of his childhood on Corfu which he recounts in this funny and charming book.

Kursnummer D406830
Kursdetails ansehen
Gebühr: 100,00
Dozent*in: Erika von Rège
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18.02.25 18:14:37